Thursday, March 3, 2011

Long Time, No See!

Ok, so I have been MIA for a little while.  I really want to keep this going so let’s play some “catch up”.

Kayleigh - It’s really amazing how far this little girl has come in the last couple of months.  She is now singing her alphabet (not 100% accurate, but it’s a working progress); She is requesting a lot now even without verbal prompts, which is awesome (drink, snack, she will even request kisses); her vocabulary is steadily growing; She can name and make the sound for about 20 animals; She has finally started correctly identifying body parts (eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears, tummy, foot); She is labeling things like crazy.  As I am typing this I hear her in her room saying “eyes, nose, mouth” to which I am guessing she is identifying body parts on one of her stuffed animals, which she loves to do (all the time).  It’s really too cute to watch.  Maybe I will get a video and put it on here soon.
I would like to also note for the record, that she said “I love you” to me before bed this week.  I can’t describe how that felt.  I know both of my babies love me beyond any doubt in the world, but hearing those three little words did something to me in that moment.  Did I cry?  Do I even have to answer that one? haha

AshtonMy little guy is doing his thing.  Last night when he was done with his dinner, he said “all done” and did the sign!!!  Did I cry..omg YES, I did.  He amazes me every single day, he is a trooper for sure.  During a recent conference with Ashton’s teacher I was told that in a 30 minute session they have recorded as many as 20 random words from him.  That just blows my mind.  He is loving singing and will request for you to sing his favorite song to him by saying “winkle winkle”, which of course is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  He even sings along.  I catch him singing and saying things all the time but they are ALWAYS on his terms. Hehe 

I am really going to try and make an effort to keep this blogging thing up.  Not only is it nice to look back on the progress of the kids, but it’s just nice to write sometimes. 
I did notice that I have some new followers, welcome.  Hope you are enjoying it here. =)

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