Friday, January 7, 2011

Today’s Menu: Take it or Leave it!

I would like to start by saying I despise cooking.  It is probably mainly due to the fact that I suck at it and have absolutely no imagination when it pertains to cooking.  My mom always gave the cooking lessons to my sister, who I will be the first to tell you, is an excellent cook just like mom is.  I can, however, follow a simple recipe as well as make routine things that are somewhat edible. 
For last night’s dinner, I tried something that I had never attempted before.   No, it’s not just the fact that I cooked (although surprising)!   Most of you chef type mothers out there will probably just roll your eyes BUT, this is an accomplishment for me.  Granted, it was a meal in a slow cooker…go ahead laugh.  You have to start somewhere, right?  I made vegetable beef stew without a recipe and it was more than edible…it was delicious!!  I still hate cooking, don’t get me wrong…I just don’t suck at it as much as I thought I did.

1 comment:

  1. slow cooker is the way to go!! I'm not laughing at ya!! Cooking is not fun for me either. :-/
